HG Narsimha Avatar Das
Narsimha avatar das is an engineer by profession & has worked in the industry for 30 years, for companies like IBM, Infosys, Tata technologies, etc. and has worked in various parts of India, Middle east and Europe.
He got introduced to Krishna consciousness in Dubai in 2001 and since 2004 is connected with ISKCON Pune. His current services included teaching Bhakti Shastri, ISKCON Disciple Course, Campus preaching for new people, taking care of congregation devotees as a mentor, Deity related services, etc. He is also currently studying Bhakti Vaibhav course.
He, along with his wife are trying to dedicate rest of their lives in the service of Srila Prabhupada movement.
He sincerely desires to share his experience, the message of Srila Prabhupada’s books and his understanding with others.