HG Padma Sundari Devi Dasi

HG Padma Sundari Devi Dasi is a senior disciple of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja from Tamil Nadu, India. She came in contact with the Krishna consciousness movement in 2001 in her yatra in the Middle East and rendered various services. In 2004, she received initiation from HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja. An avid reader of Srila Prabhupada’s books, she took to preaching and teaching Krishna consciousness. She started facilitating various courses online at Mayapur Institute in 2010 and onsite from Mayapur in 2015. She also conducts classes, guest lectures and seminars for youth, college students and devotees. She currently resides in Mayapur, India and serves Sri ISKCON Mayapur.

She has completed academic courses such as M. Phil. in Sociology, M.B.A, and PG Diploma in Systems Management. She is meticulously experienced as a Programmer and has diverse experiences in multi-national companies as an Educational counsellor/Marketing  Manager, General Administrator, HR Manager and Financial Administrator. 

She facilitates and coordinates spiritual courses such as Bhakti Sastri, Bhakti Vaibhav, Bhakti Vedanta, Basic Bhagavad Gita Study, and other courses.